When you initially sign up for phone service, you are asked if you wish for your number to be blocked. If you requested to be blocked, this means when you call someone with a caller id they see you as "private caller". The problem with this is some people that you call may ignore your call or may have the service to not accept calls from blocked numbers. To unblock your number, all you have to do is just punch in *82 + phone number you are calling and it will show the name to which the phone bill is registered to. Some people think they have to unblock their number altogether, not true! Just punch *82 before the number to reveal yourself (for numbers you call often you can just add *82 when you store their numbers on your speed dial).
The good thing with having a blocked number is when you call stores or companies, your name and number is not revealed so you do not lose the risk of having your number on their database. Some 800 numbers or 911 calls are not affected. They usually still see your numbers whether you punch *82 or not.
If you wish to switch to a blocked number thru your current phone number, a minimal charge may apply so its best to do this when you initially sign up for service.
(If you did not block your phone number, *67 blocks your number when making phone calls. I use this sometimes when I call around for estimates or stores and do not want to leave my number).
The good thing with having a blocked number is when you call stores or companies, your name and number is not revealed so you do not lose the risk of having your number on their database. Some 800 numbers or 911 calls are not affected. They usually still see your numbers whether you punch *82 or not.
If you wish to switch to a blocked number thru your current phone number, a minimal charge may apply so its best to do this when you initially sign up for service.
(If you did not block your phone number, *67 blocks your number when making phone calls. I use this sometimes when I call around for estimates or stores and do not want to leave my number).